10/17/2023 |
11/20/2023 |
Addendum No. 2 to RFP No. PSC-24-06
Addendum No. 1 to RFP No. PSC-24-06
RFP No. PSC-24-06 Perform Independent Manhole Inspections and Provide Technical Auditing and Consulting Services on Pepco's Manhole Inspection and Underground Electrical Distribution System Remediation Program.
Attachment A - Form of Offer Letter
Attachment B - Disclosure Conflict of Interest Statement
Attachment C - Non-Disclosure Agreement
Attachment D - Past Performance
Attachment E - SBE Subcontracting Plan
Attachment F - Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Agreement & Report
Attachment G - First Source Agreement and Revised Employment Plan
Attachment H - DC Grantee Contractor Language Access Implementation Guide |
The purpose of the Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is to solicit proposals for a Contractor to perform independent manhole inspections and provide technical auditing and consulting services on Pepco’s manhole inspection and underground electrical distribution system remediation program. This Request for Proposal is issued in the open market with a 35% subcontracting requirement as applicable in Section C. |
Kimberly M. Gray |
4/18/2024 |
5/20/2024 |
RFP No. PSC-24-20 Power Purchase Agreement Independent Monitor
Attachment A - Form of Offer Letter
Attachment B - Disclosure Conflict of Interest Statement
Attachment C - Non-Disclosure Agreement
Attachment D - Past Performance
Attachment E - SBE Subcontracting-Plan
Attachment F - Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Agreement & Reports
Attachment G - First Source Agreement and Revised Employment Plan
Attachment H - DC Grantee Contractor Language Access Implementation Guide |
The Commission is seeking a Contractor to serve as a Power Purchase Agreement (“PPA”) Independent Monitor (“IM”) to review the competitive solicitation process through which Pepco purchases five percent of the Standard Offer Services (“SOS”) electricity demand in DC in the form of a renewable PPA. This Request for Proposal is set aside for Certified Business Enterprises only. To be considered, Offerors must be certified by the DC Department of Small and Local Business Development. |
Kimberly M. Gray |
4/3/2024 |
5/6/2024 |
Addendum No. 1 to RFP No. PSC-24-16
RFP No. PSC-24-16 Consulting Services Development of Benefit Cost Analysis ("BCA") Model
Attachment A - Form of Offer Letter
Attachment B - Disclosure Conflict of Interest Statement
Attachment C- Non-Disclosure Agreement
Attachment D - Past Performance
Attachment E - SBE Subcontracting-Plan
Attachment F - Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Agreement & Reports
Attachment G - First Source Agreement and Revised Employment Plan
Attachment H - DC Grantee Contractor Language Access Implementation Guide |
The purpose of the Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is to solicit proposals for a Consultant who will develop a benefit cost analysis (“BCA”) model that will be relied upon by the Commission to evaluate gas and electric distribution utility-related initiatives. This Request for Proposal is issued in the open market with a 35% subcontracting requirement as applicable in Section C. |
Kimberly M. Gray |
3/14/2024 |
4/22/2024 |
Addendum No. 1 to RFP No. PSC 24-19
Exhibit A to RFP No. PSC 24-19
RFP No. PSC-24-19 Technical Consultant(s) for Formal Case (FC) No. 1176, Application of Potomac Electric Power Company (Pepco) for Authority to Implement a Multi-Year Rate Plan for Electric Distribution in the District of Columbia.
Attachment A1 - Form of Offer Letter
Attachment A2 - Form of Offer Letter
Attachment A3 - Form of Offer Letter
Attachment B - Disclosure Conflict of Interest Statement
Attachment C - Non-Disclosure Agreement
Attachment D - Past Performance
Attachment E - SBE Subcontracting-Plan
Attachment F - Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Agreement & Reports
Attachment G - First Source Agreement and Revised Employment Plan
Attachment H - DC Grantee Contractor Language Access Implementation Guide |
The purpose of the Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is to solicit proposals for a Contractor to provide consulting services on equity matters related to development of a benefits cost analysis model. This Request for Proposal is issued in the open market with a 35% subcontracting requirement as applicable in Section C. |
Kimberly M. Gray |
3/5/2024 |
N/A |
GD2019 - Office of Technical and Regulatory Analysis 2019 Consultant for Benefit-Cost Analysis - |
The District of Columbia Public Service Commission (“Commission”) is seeking a consultant who will develop a benefit-cost analysis (“BCA”) model that will be relied upon by the Commission to evaluate gas and electric distribution utility-related initiatives. The consultant constructed BCA Excel model will consist of a Societal Cost Test (“SCT”) and a Total Resource Cost Test (“TRC”). The consultant will be responsible for:
1. Developing the SCT and TRC BCA model.
2. Quantifying all Commission specified benefits and costs.
3. Constructing an Excel BCA model that will be publicly shared and used.
4. Preparing an instructional guidebook for the BCA model. |
Submit Inquiry |
8/14/2023 |
10/11/2023 |
Addendum No. 3 to RFP No. PSC-23-21
Addendum No. 2 to RFP No. PSC-23-21
Addendum No. 1 to RFP No. PSC-23-21
RFP No. PSC-23-21 Technical Consultant(s) for FC1176, Application of Pepco for Authority to Implement a Multi-Year Rate Plan for Electric Distribution in the District of Columbia.
Attachment A - Potential Bidders List
Attachment A1 - Form of Offer Letter
Attachment A2 - Form of Offer Letter
Attachment A3 - Form of Offer Letter
Attachment B - Disclosure Conflict of Interest Statement
Attachment C - Non-Disclosure Agreement
Attachment D - Past Performance
Attachment E - SBE Subcontracting Plan
Attachment F - Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Agreement & Report
Attachment G - First Source Agreement and Revised Employment Plan
Attachment H - DC Grantee Contractor Language Access Implementation Guide |
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is to solicit proposals for one or more Contractors to provide Technical Consultant(s) for Formal Case (FC) No. 1176, The Application of Potomac Electric Power Company (Pepco) for Authority to Implement a Multi-Year Rate Plan for Electric Distribution in the District of Columbia. |
Kimberly M. Gray |
FY23 |
N/A |
Office of Technical and Regulatory Analysis: Consultant for New Pepco Electric Rate Case |
The Commission will seek to engage an independent consultant(s) to advise on revenue requirements analysis, cost of capital, analysis of operational and capital expenditures plans involving engineering expertise, rate design, class revenue allocation, class cost of service analysis, and other facets. The prior electric rate case adjudicated resulted in the approval of a multi-year plan (MRP) with performance incentive mechanisms (PIMs). The projected period of engagement is 12 -15 months.
This requirement will have a 35% Certified Business Enterprise (“CBE”) subcontracting requirement. |
Kimberly M. Gray |
FY23 |
N/A |
FC1175 - Office of Technical and Regulatory Analysis: Consulting for WGL PROJECTpipes Application |
The Commission will seek to engage an independent consultant for Formal Case No. 1175 to advise on gas engineering, financial, economic, and GHG emission matters. The projected period of engagement is 12 – 18 months.
This requirement will have a 35% Certified Business Enterprise (“CBE”) subcontracting requirement. |
Kimberly M. Gray |
06/27/23 |
08/07/23 |
Addendum No. 2 to RFP No. PSC-23-15
Addendum No. 1 to RFP No. PSC-23-15
Exhibit A to RFP PSC-23-15
RFP No. PSC-23-15 Technical Consulting Services to Review and Advise The Commission on Matters Related to Formal Case 1175, Washington Gas Light Company’s “PROJECT Pipes 3 Plan”.
Attachment A - Form of Offer Letter
Attachment B - Disclosure Conflict of Interest Statement
Attachment C - Non-Disclosure Agreement
Attachment D - Past Performance
Attachment E - SBE Subcontracting Plan
Attachment F - Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Agreement & Report
Attachment G - First Source Agreement and Revised Employment Plan
Attachment H - DC Grantee Contractor Language Access Implementation Guide |
The purpose of the Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is to solicit proposals for a Contractor to provide technical consulting services to assist the Commission with the review of Formal Case No. 1175, Washington Gas Light Company’s (WGL) “PROJECT pipes 3 Plan”.
This Request for Proposal is issued in the open market with a 35% subcontracting requirement as applicable in Section C. |
Kimberly M. Gray |
10/19/23 |
11/20/23 |
Addendum No. 1 RFP No. PSC-24-08
RFP No. PSC-24-08 Technical Consulting Services To Advise The Commission On Issues Related To Formal Case 1050.
Attachment A - Form of Offer Letter
Attachment B - Disclosure Conflict of Interest Statement
Attachment C - Non-Disclosure Agreement
Attachment D - Past Performance
Attachment E - SBE Subcontracting Plan
Attachment F - Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Agreement & Report
Attachment G - First Source Agreement and Revised Employment Plan
Attachment H - DC Grantee Contractor Language Access Implementation Guide
The purpose of the Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is to solicit proposals for a Contractor to provide consulting services related to Formal Case No. 1050/RM9/RM40 – small generator interconnection standards and related matters.
This Request for Proposal is issued in the open market with a 35% subcontracting requirement as applicable in Section C. |
Kimberly M. Gray |
10/19/23 |
11/20/23 |
Addendum No. 1 RFP No. PSC-24-08
RFP No. PSC-24-08 Technical Consulting Services To Advise The Commission On Issues Related To Formal Case 1050.
Attachment A - Form of Offer Letter
Attachment B - Disclosure Conflict of Interest Statement
Attachment C - Non-Disclosure Agreement
Attachment D - Past Performance
Attachment E - SBE Subcontracting Plan
Attachment F - Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Agreement & Report
Attachment G - First Source Agreement and Revised Employment Plan
Attachment H - DC Grantee Contractor Language Access Implementation Guide |
The purpose of the Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is to solicit proposals for a Contractor to provide consulting services related to Formal Case No. 1050/RM9/RM40 – small generator interconnection standards and related matters.
This Request for Proposal is issued in the open market with a 35% subcontracting requirement as applicable in Section C. |
Kimberly M. Gray |
08/28/23 |
09/27/23 |
Addendum No. 1 to RFP No. PSC-23-10
RFP No. PSC-23-10 Perform Independent Manhole Inspections and provide Technical Auditing and Consulting Services on Pepco’s Manhole Inspection and Underground Electrical Distribution System Remediation Program.
Attachment A - Form of Offer Letter
Attachment B - Disclosure Conflict of Interest Statement
Attachment C - Non-Disclosure Agreement
Attachment D - Past Performance
Attachment E - SBE Subcontracting Plan
Attachment F - Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Agreement & Report
Attachment G - First Source Agreement and Revised Employment Plan
Attachment H - DC Grantee Contractor Language Access Implementation Guide |
The purpose of the Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is to solicit proposals for a Contractor to perform independent manhole inspections and provide technical auditing and consulting services on Pepco’s manhole inspection and underground electrical distribution system remediation program.
This Request for Proposal is issued in the open market with a 35% subcontracting requirement as applicable in Section C. |
Kimberly M. Gray |
06/27/023 |
07/31/23 |
Addendum No. 1 to RFP No. PSC-23-18
RFP No. PSC-23-18 Legal Services
Attachment A - Form of Offer Letter
Attachment B - Disclosure Conflict of Interest Statement
Attachment C - Non-Disclosure Agreement
Attachment D - Past Performance
Attachment E (Revised) - SBE Subcontracting Plan
Attachment F - Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Agreement & Report
Attachment G - First Source Agreement and Revised Employment Plan
Attachment H - DC Grantee Contractor Language Access Implementation Guide |
The Commission seeks one or more legal firms to provide legal services on a variety of regulatory and other matters that come before the Commission.
This Request for Proposal is issued in the open market with a 35% subcontracting requirement as applicable in Section C. |
Kimberly M. Gray |
02/09/23 |
05/31/23 |
Addendum No. 5 to RFP No. PSC-23-09
Addendum No. 4 to RFP No. PSC-23-09
Addendum No. 3 to RFP No. PSC-23-09
Addendum No. 2 to RFP No. PSC-23-09
Addendum No. 1 to RFP No. PSC-23-09
Attachment A - Potential Bidders List
RFP No. PSC-23-09 Solar Aggregation and Advanced Inverter Pilot Project
Attachment A - Proposal Checklist for Offerors
Attachment B - Disclosure Conflict of Interest Statement
Attachment C - Past Performance Evaluation Form
Attachment D - SBE Subcontracting Plan
Attachment E - EEO Policy Agreement & Report
Attachment F - 1st Source Agreement and Revised Employment Plan
Attachment G - TRL Level Questionnaire
Attachment H - Promises Certifications Assertions Assurances
Attachment I - Terms and Conditions
Attachment J - PowerPath DC MEDSIS Principles |
The purpose of this RFP is to fund a Solar Aggregation and Advanced Inverter Pilot Project (“Project”) to be located in the District at site(s) to be identified by the Offeror. The Project funded by this RFP should be designed to provide insights and new learnings to assist the Commission in identifying technologies and policies that can be implemented in the District to modernize the distribution energy delivery system for increased sustainability. |
Karen M. Hester |
05/17/22 |
09/22/22 |
Addendum No. 7 to RFP No. PSC-22-06
Addendum No. 6 to RFP No. PSC-22-06
Addendum No. 5 to RFP No. PSC-22-06
Revised Attachment H - Promises Certifications Assertions Assurances
Addendum No. 4 to RFP No. PSC-22-06
Addendum No. 3 to RFP No. PSC-22-06
Addendum No. 2 to RFP No. PSC-22-06
Attachment B Bidders' List
Addendum No. 1 to RFP No. PSC-22-06
RFP No. PSC-22-06 Community Heat Pump Pilot Project
Attachment A Proposal Checklist for Offerors
Attachment B Disclosure Conflict of Interest Statement
Attachment C Past Performance Evaluation Form
Attachment D SBE Subcontracting Plan
Attachment E EEO Policy Agreement & Report
Attachment F 1st Source Agreement and Revised Employment Plan
Attachment G TRL Level Questionnaire
Attachment H Promises Certifications Assertions Assurances
Attachment I Terms and Conditions
Attachment J PowerPath DC MEDSIS Principles |
The purpose of this RFP is to fund a Community Heat Pump Pilot Project (“the Project”) to be located in the District of Columbia. The Project funded by this RFP should be designed to provide insights and new learnings to assist the Commission in identifying technologies and policies that can be implemented in the District of Columbia to modernize the distribution energy delivery system for increased sustainability. |
Karen M. Hester |
07/01/22 |
08/15/22 |
Addendum No. 1 to RFP No. PSC 22-13
Revised Attachments A1 - Form of Offer Letter
Revised Attachments A2 - Form of Offer Letter
Revised Attachments A3 - Form of Offer Letter
Revised Attachments A4 - Form of Offer Letter
Revised Attachment E - SBE Subcontracting Plan
Revised Attachment F - Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Agreement and Report
Attachment G - First Source Agreement and Revised Employment Plan
Exhibit A - Bidders List
RFP No. PSC-22-13 Technical Consulting Services
Attachment A1 Form of Offer Letter - Category 1
Attachment A2 Form of Offer Letter - Category 2
Attachment A3 Form of Offer Letter - Category 3
Attachment A4 Form of Offer Letter - Category 4
Attachment B Disclosure Conflict of Interest Statement
Attachment C Non-Disclosure Agreement
Attachment D Past Performance
Attachment E SBE Subcontracting Plan
Attachment F Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Agreement & Report |
The purpose of the Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is to solicit proposals for one or more Contractors to provide technical consulting services to assist the Commission with the review of Formal Case No. 1169, Washington Gas Light Company’s (WGL) rate case.
This Request for Proposal is issued in the open market with a 35% subcontracting requirement as applicable in Section C. |
Kimberly M. Gray |
11/04/21 |
11/13/21 |
Blue Ridge Consulting Services, Inc.
(“Blue Ridge”) |
Determinations and Findings for a One-Year Sole Source Contract Technical Consultant to Advise the Commission on Rate Case Related Issues in Formal Case No. 1156, IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF POTOMAC ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT A MULTI-YEAR RATE PLAN FOR ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION SERVICE IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA |
Kimberly M. Gray |
10/01/20 |
10/11/20 |
Bates White, LLC |
Determination and Findings for a Technical Consultant to Advise the Commission on Energy Related Issues in Formal Case No. 1017, IN THE MATTER OF THE DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGNATION OF STANDARD OFFER SERVICE IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA |
Karen M. Hester |
09/29/21 |
10/28/21 |
Addendum No. 2 to RFP No. PSC-21-28
Addendum No. 1 to RFP No. PSC-21-28
Attachment A - Revised Form of Offer Letter
RFP No. PSC-21-28, Lifeline Eligibility Verification Administrator ("LEVA")
Attachment A - Form of Offer Letter
Attachment B - Disclosure Statement
Attachment C - Past Performance Form |
The Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia (“Commission”) is seeking, through this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) to engage a Lifeline Eligibility Verification Administrator (“LEVA”) to manage the customer eligibility, verification, and recertification process for the low-income discount wireline Lifeline service program in the District of Columbia. The Commission does not require wireline Eligible Telecommunications Carriers (“ETCs”) to verify customer eligibility. Instead, the Commission seeks a third-party administrator to perform these functions. |
Kimberly M. Gray |
09/23/21 |
1027/21 |
Addendum No. 1. to RFP No. PSC-21-27
RFP No. PSC-21-27, Legal Advice and Representation on behalf of the Public Service Commission in Collective Bargaining and Employee Relations Matters.
Attachment A - Form of Offer Letter
Attachment B - Disclosure Statement
Attachment C - Past Performance Form
Attachment D - SBE Subcontracting Plan |
Description: The purpose of the Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is to solicit proposals for legal services related to the negotiation of collective bargaining agreements and employee relations matters, including but not limited to representation before the DC Public Employees Relations Board (PERB).
This Request for Proposal is issued in the open market with a 35% subcontracting requirement. |
Karen M. Hester |
08/13/21 |
09/16/21 |
RFP No. PSC-21-25, Technicial Consulting Services to Review and Advise the Commission on Matters Related to FC1017 for Standard Offer Service.
Attachment A - Form of Offer Letter
Attachment B - Disclosure Statement
Attachment C - Past Performance Evaluation Form
Attachment D - SBE Subcontracting Plan |
The purpose of the Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is to solicit proposals for a Contractor to provide technical consulting services to review the Standard Offer Service (SOS) proceedings (F.C. No. 1017). SOS is the provision of electric supply service offered to customers by Pepco who do not otherwise receive electric supply service from a competitive electric supplier.
This Request for Proposal is issued in the open market with a 35% subcontracting requirement as applicable in Section C. |
Kimberly M. Gray |
09/30/20 |
12/17/20 |
RFP No. PSC-20-23, Value of Distributed Energy Resources Study
Attachment A - Form of Offer Letter
Attachment B - Disclosure Statement
Attachment - C- Tax Affidavit
Attachment D - Past Performance |
The Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia seeks a Consultant to provide consulting services on a Value of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Study.
Kimberly M. Gray |
10/16/20 |
12/17/20 |
Addendum No.1 to RFP No. PSC-20 - 23
Attachment A - Form of Offer Letter
Attachment E - Subcontracting Plan
VDER Contacts |
The Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia seeks a Consultant to provide consulting services on a Value of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Study. |
Karen M. Hester |
10/28/20 |
12/17/20 |
Addendum No. 2 to RFP No. PSC-20-23
Attachment A - Revised Form of Offer Letter |
The Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia seeks a Consultant to provide consulting services on a Value of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Study. |
Karen M. Hester |
12/10/20 |
12/17/20 |
Addendum No. 3 to RFP No. PSC-20-23 |
The Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia seeks a Consultant to provide consulting services on a Value of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Study. |
Karen M. Hester |
11/12/20 |
12/07/20 |
RFP No. PSC-21-07, Independent Monitor for PEPCO's Evaluation of Proposals for Standard Offer Service
Attachment A - Form of of Offer Letter
Attachment B - Disclosure Statement
Attachment C - Tax Affidavit
Attachment D - Past Performance |
The Public Service Commission seeks a Contractor to serve as an Independent Monitor (IM) during Pepco’s evaluation of proposals for the provision of five (5) percent of the Standard Offer Service (SOS) electricity demand in the District of Columbia. |
Karen M. Hester |
11/23/20 |
12/07/20 |
Addendum No. 1 to RFP No. PSC-21-07 |
The Public Service Commission seeks a Contractor to serve as an Independent Monitor (IM) during Pepco’s evaluation of proposals for the provision of five (5) percent of the Standard Offer Service (SOS) electricity demand in the District of Columbia. |
Karen M. Hester |
11/25/20 |
12/07/20 |
Addendum No. 2 to RFP No. PSC-21-07 |
The Public Service Commission seeks a Contractor to serve as an Independent Monitor (IM) during Pepco’s evaluation of proposals for the provision of five (5) percent of the Standard Offer Service (SOS) electricity demand in the District of Columbia. |
Karen M. Hester |