The Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia (DCPSC) reports on the overall fuel mix information for electricity sold in the District of Columbia, the amount of electricity sold in the District that comes from renewable sources, and on the feasibility of requiring each licensed electricity supplier doing business in the District to provide a minimum percentage of
electricity sold from renewable sources.
This fuel mix and emissions information assists District residential and business customers in making informed choices when
selecting their electricity supplier. The report also helps the District monitor the environmental impacts of the fuel choices that are being made, an important consideration as consumers continue to choose alternative electricity suppliers.
2023 Biennial Report on Fuel Mix
The District continues to achieve meaningful progress on its renewable energy goals and remains a recognized leading jurisdiction within the larger
PJM Interconnection regional grid, which includes 13 states and the District.
For calendar year 2022, based on the specific fuel mix reports provided by the retail electricity suppliers, including
Pepco’s Standard Offer Service (SOS), the approximate fuel mix for the District appears to reflect an overall renewable energy component of nearly 16% of the total energy sold in the District, in contrast to the renewable PJM System Mix of roughly 7%.
The District continues to maintain a robust and legislatively mandated
RPS program, which serves as the controlling indicator for tracking renewable energy performance in the District.