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Disclaimer: The items reflected below are tentatively scheduled to appear on the Commission’s Meeting Agenda on the date indicated above. The Commission may add or delete items to the planned Agenda if it is deemed necessary.
Formal Case Matters for Action:
1. Formal Case No. 1130 and GD-2020-02-M – Order regarding the MEDSIS Pilot Project Fund Subaccount.
2. Formal Case No. 1154 – Order regarding Washington Gas Light Company’s Motion to Accept Late-Filed Annual Report regarding its Customer Education Plan for Calendar Year 2024.
3. Formal Case No. 1176 – Order regarding the Potomac Electric Power Company’s Draft Request for Proposal for the First Phase of the Management Audit.
4. Formal Case No. 1178 – Order regarding the Department of Energy and Environment’s Notice of Withdrawal of its Motion for Modification of Order No. 22004 and Other Relief.
5. GD-2022-01-E and Formal Case No. 1171 – Order regarding the Office of the People’s Counsel’s Motion for Enlargement of Time to Respond to the Potomac Electric Power Company’s Comments.
6. PEPPOR-2024-01 – Order regarding the Potomac Electric Power Company’s Purchase of Receivables Proposed Tariff for Residential Class Customers.