Watch Open Meetings

Open Commission Meeting - Tuesday, November 21, 2023, at 11:00 A.M.

Click here for the Audio

The items reflected below are tentatively scheduled to appear on the Commission’s Meeting Agenda on the date indicated above.  The Commission may add or delete items to the planned Agenda if it is deemed necessary.

I.    Formal Case Matters for Action:

     1. Formal Case No. 1017 – Order regarding the Biennial Review of the Provision of Standard Offer Service.

     2. Formal Case Nos. 1130 and 1155 - Order regarding the Potomac Electric Power Company’s Application for Modification or Clarification of Order No. 21901.

Open Commission Meeting - Thursday, October 26, 2023, at 11:00 A.M.

Click here for the Video

The items reflected below are tentatively scheduled to appear on the Commission’s Meeting Agenda on the date indicated above. The Commission may add or delete items to the planned Agenda if it is deemed necessary.

Formal Case Matters for Action:

1. Formal Case No. 874 – Order regarding the Washington Gas Light Company’s 2022 Biennial Gas Procurement Report.

2. Formal Case No. 1017 – Order regarding the Potomac Electric Power Company’s Request for Proposals and Draft Power Purchase Agreement.

3. Formal Case No. 1130 – Order regarding Synapse Energy Economics, Inc.’s Value of Distributed Energy Resources Study.

4. Formal Case No. 1156 and PEPRORETR2023-01-E - Order regarding the Potomac Electric Power Company’s Motion to Suspend Quarterly Earnings Report Filings.

5. RM9-2023-01-E – Order and Notice regarding Chapter 9, Net Energy Metering, Title 15 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations.

Open Commission Meeting - Wednesday, October 4, 2023, at 1:30 P.M.

Click here for the Audio

The items reflected below are tentatively scheduled to appear on the Commission’s Meeting Agenda on the date indicated above. The Commission may add or delete items to the planned Agenda if it is deemed necessary.

Formal Case Matters for Action:

1. Formal Case No. 1142 – Order regarding AltaGas, Ltd.’s Application for Reconsideration of Order No. 21890.

2. Formal Case No. 1176 – Order regarding the Office of the People’s Counsel’s Motion for Clarification regarding Data Requests for the Multiyear Rate Plan Application.

Open Commission Meeting - Wednesday, September 27, 2023, at 2:00 P.M.

Click here for the Video

The items reflected below are tentatively scheduled to appear on the Commission’s Meeting Agenda on the date indicated above.  The Commission may add or delete items to the planned Agenda if it is deemed necessary.

Fomral Case Matters for Action:

1. Formal Case No. 1167 – Order regarding the Motion to Withdraw Intervention of ChargePoint, Inc.

2. Formal Case No. 1171 and GD-2022-0-E – Order regarding the Potomac Electric Power Company’s Amended Motion for Enlargement of Time to Provide Additional Optionality for Meter Removal Solutions.

3. Electric Tariff 2022-05 – Order regarding the Potomac Electric Power Company’s Multi-Dwelling Unit Plug-In-Vehicle Tariff.

Open Commission Meeting - Friday, September 22, 2023, at 9:30 A.M.

Click here for the Audio

The items reflected below are tentatively scheduled to appear on the Commission’s Meeting Agenda on the date indicated above. The Commission may add or delete items to the planned Agenda if it is deemed necessary.

FormalCase Matters for Action:

1. Formal Case No. 1156 – Order regarding the Potomac Electric Power Company’s Application for Reconsideration of Order No. 21884.

2. GD-2022-0-E and Formal Case No. 1171 – Order regarding the Potomac Electric Power Company’s Amended Motion for Enlargement of Time to Provide Additional Optionality for Meter Removal Solutions.