List of Major Issues and Current Open Cases

  1. FC 1181 - In the matter of the Investigation into Electric Services Market Competition and Regulatory Practices
  2. FC 1017 - Pepco's default Standard Offer Service (SOS) for electricity customers who have not chosen an alternative generation supplier and transmission rate deadband filings
  3. FC 1050 - Mid-Atlantic Distributed Resources Initiative (MADRI) model small generator interconnection procedures
  4. FC 1086 - Pepco's request for approval of a residential air conditioner direct load control program
  5. FC 1117 - Pepco's formal notice of plans to construct four 138 kV underground transmission circuits between Little Falls Parkway in Maryland and Pepco's Van Ness Substation in Northwest, DC
  6. FC 1119 - Merger of Exelon Corporation, Pepco Holdings, Inc., Potomac Electric Power Company, Exelon Energy Delivery Company, LLC and New Special Purpose Entity, LLC
  7. FC 1139 - Pepco's Application for Authority to Increase Existing Retail Rates and Charges for Electric Distribution Service
  8. FC 1144 - Pepco's Formal Notice of Construction of the Capital Grid Project.
  9. FC 1145 - Applications for approval of Power Line Underground Projects Plans.
  10. FC 1147 - Pepco's application to the Commission for a certificate authorizing the Company to issue and sell up to $600,000,000 of long-term secured or unsecured debt securities.
  11. FC 1148 - In the matter of the investigation into the establishment and implementation of Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation Programs targeted towards both Affordable Multifamily Units and Master Metered Multifamily Buildings which include low and limited income residents in the District of Columbia.
  12. FC 1149 - In the matter of the investigation into the structure and application of an Experimental Rate Class for both Senior Citizens and Disabled Residents in the District of Columbia.
  13. FC 1150 - Pepco's Rate Application
  14. FC 1155 - Potomac Electric Power Company’s Application for Approval of its Transportation Electrification Program
  15. FC 1156 - The Application of the Potomac Electric Power Company Authority to Implement a Multiyear Rate Plan for Electric Distribution Service in the District of Columbia
  16. FC 1159 - Pepco’s Application for Approval of the Second Biennial Underground Infrastructure Improvement Plan
  17. FC 1161 - Application for Authorization of Issuance of Debt Security
  18. FC 1166 - In the matter of the investigation into energy storage and distributed energy resources in the District of Columbia
  19. FC 1168 - Pepco's Application for Approval of the Third Biennial Underground Infrastructure Improvement Projects Plan
  20. FC 1170 - Pepco's Application for a certificate authorizing it to issue and sell long-term secured and unsecured Debt Securities.
  21. FC 1171 - In the matter of the investigation into community renewable energy facility practices in the District of Columbia.
  22. FC 1176 - Pepco's application for approval to increase rates through the implementation of a Multiyear Rate Plan (“MYP”), also referred to as the “Climate Ready Pathway,” for its electric distribution service.
  23. ARDIR - Arrearages and Disconnections Report
  24. BE - E - Electricity suppliers billing error notifications (Includes Pepco)
  25. CAM - Pepco’s Annual Cost Allocation
  26. DCC 2021-01 - Petition for Review of Commission Order No. 20755
  27. DCC2014-02 - Petition for Review of Commission Order Nos. 17626 and 17666
  28. DCC2015-01 - Petition for Review of Commission Order Nos. 17697 and 17769
  29. DCC2015-02 - Petition for Review of Commission Order Nos. 17697 and 17769
  30. DCC2016-01 - OPC's Petition for Review of Commission Order No. 18243
  31. DCC2016-02 - DC Government's Petition for Review of Commission Order No. 18243
  32. DCC2016-03 - DC SUN & Public Citizens' Petition for Review of Commission Order No. 18243
  33. EAs - Electric Applications - Requests for certification of alternative electric generation suppliers
  34. ET - Electric Tariff
  35. ET 00-2 - Pepco's Rights of Way Fee
  36. FERC - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Filings
  37. FMAER - Fuel Mix and Air Emissions Reports
  38. MOU - Pepco’s Supplier Diversity Annual Plan
  39. PEPACR - Pepco's Annual Consolidated Reports
  40. PEPADTR - Pepco's Annual Distribution Transformer Report
  41. PEPAMIR - Pepco's Advanced Metering Infrastructure Reports
  42. PEPBSAR - Pepco's Bill Stabilization Adjustment Reports
  43. PEPCAM - Pepco's Cost Allocation Manual Filings
  44. PEPCCR - Pepco's Call Center Reports
  45. PEPDLPR - Pepco's Direct Load Program Reports
  46. PEPEMMR - Pepco's Electric Market Monitoring Reports
  47. PEPGD - Pepco's Watthour Meter Test Reports
  48. PEPISCR - Pepco's Incremental Storm Damage Costs Reports
  49. PEPMIR - Pepco's Manhole Inspection Reports
  50. PEPPIWG - Pepco's Productivity Improvement Working Group Reports
  51. PEPPOR - Pepco's Purchase of Receivables Reports
  52. PEPRADR - Pepco's Residential Aid Discount Reports
  53. PEPRORETR - Pepco's Rate of Return Reports
  54. PSCMIR - Commission's Manhole Inspection Audit Reports
  55. RM1 - Commission's Investigation Into The Public Service Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (D.C.M.R. Chapter 1)
  56. RM5 - Fuel Adjustment Clause Audit and Review Program Rules (D.C.M.R. Chapter 5)
  57. RM9 - Net Energy Metering Rules (D.C.M.R. Chapter 9)
  58. RM13 - Rules Implementing the Public Utilities Reimbursement Fee Act of 1980 (D.C.M.R. Chapter 13)
  59. RM29 - E- Emergency Revisions to Rule (D.C.M.R. Chapter 29)
  60. RM36 - Electric Quality of Service Standards Rules (D.C.M.R. Chapter 36)
  61. RM41 - Standard Offer Service Rules (D.C.M.R. Chapter 41)
  62. RM46 - Electricity Suppliers Licensing and Bonding Rules (D.C.M.R. Chapter 46)
  63. RPS - Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards Applications - certification of eligible District of Columbia renewable energy standards generating facilities
  64. RPSR - Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards Application Reports
  65. SO - E - Pepco's non-major service outage reports
  1. FC 874 - Washington Gas Light's (WGL's) natural gas procurement plans
  2. FC 977 - Establishment and monitoring of WGL's quality of service standards
  3. FC 1115 - WGL's request for approval of a revised accelerated pipeline replacement plan
  4. FC 1128 - Integrys Energy Services - Natural Gas, LLC for itself and in its capacity as agent for Pepco Energy Services, Inc., Novec Energy Solutions, Inc., Direct Energy Services, LLC, and Bollinger Energy, LLC's complaint regarding Operational Flow Order Noncompliance Penalties Levied by WGL for the period January through March, 2014
  5. FC 1134 - Commission's Investigation into the Procurement Cost Adjustment for Standard Offer Services
  6. FC 1135 - WGL's Request to Establish a Regulatory Asset
  7. FC 1137 - WGL's Application for authority to increase exiting rates and charges for Gas Service; and to revise terms and conditions related to gas service in the District of Columbia.
  8. FC 1140 - Investigation into the establishment of a purchase of receivables program for natural gas suppliers and their customers in the District of Columbia.
  9. FC 1141 - OPC's Petition for an Investigation into the Pipe Replacement and Meter Relocation Practice of WGL.
  10. FC 1142 - AltaGas Ltd., WGL Holdings, Inc., and Washington Gas Light Company's Merger Application with supporting testimony, exhibits, and work papers to obtain approval for a change of control.
  11. FC 1146 - WGL's Application for Authority to Issue Debt Securities and Preferred Stock.
  12. FC 1151 - WGL's Application for Approval of Reduction of Distribution Rates
  13. FC 1154 - Gas Project Pipe 2 Plan
  14. FC 1157 - In the Matter of the investigation into Washington Gas Light Company’s compliance with the recommendations of the National Transportation Safety Board
  15. FC 1158 - Application for authority to issue debt securities
  16. FC 1162 - Application for Authority to Increase Existing Rates
  17. FC 1169 - WGL's Application for Authority to Increase Existing Rates and Charges for Gas Service in the District of Columbia.
  18. FC 1173 - Washington Gas Light Company’s Application for Approval of Special Contracts
  19. FC 1174 - WG's Application for Authority to Issue Debt Securities
  20. FC 1175 - WGL's Application for Approval of PROJECTpipes 3 Plan
  21. FC 1177 - WGL's Application for Authority to Issue and Sell Long-Term Debt Securities
  22. FC 1178 - In the matter of the petition for investigation into Washington Gas Light Company’s system leak reduction practices
  23. FC 1179 - In the matter of the investigation into Washington Gas Light Company’s strategically targeted pipe replacement plan
  24. FC 1180 - WGL's Rate Case Application.
  25. ACA - Washington Gas' Actual Cost Adjustment Reports
  26. ARDIR - Arrearages and Disconnections Report
  27. BE - G - Natural gas suppliers' billing error notifications (Includes WGL)
  28. FDS - WGL’s Balancing and Equalization Charges
  29. FERC - Form 2
  30. GA - Gas Applications - Requests for certification of commodity natural gas suppliers
  31. GD-2020-01-G - State of the Company presentation
  32. GD-2020-01-M - In the matter of the Establishment of Regulatory Assets for COVID-19 Related Incremental Costs
  33. GD 2021-01-G - WGL’s Suspension of SEC Filing Obligations
  34. GD 2021-02-G - WGL’s O & M Manual
  35. GD 2021-03-G - WGL’s Notice of Intent to Relocate Customer Service Walk-In Center
  36. GT 00-2 - WGL's rights of way fee
  37. GT 01-1 - WGL's hedging programs
  38. GT 95-3 - WGL's Application for Authority to Amend its Steam and Chilled Water Tariff
  39. GT 96-3 and GT 97-3 - WGL's customer choice programs for residential and large commercial customers respectively
  40. GT2013-01 - WGL's Compressed Natural Gas Service Tariff
  41. GT2014-01 - WGL's Application to Amend General Service Provision No. 4
  42. GT2014-03 - WGL's Application to Amend Rate Schedule Nos 3 3A, and 5
  43. GT2016-01 - WGL's Residential Essential Surcharge Tariff
  44. GT2016-02 - WGL's Residential Essential Reform Tariff
  45. GT2017-01 - WGL’s for Authority to Amend Rate Schedule No. 6
  46. GT2017-02 - WGL's High Load Factor Rate Proposal
  47. GT2021-01 - Residential Essential Service Program
  48. MOU - Pepco’s Supplier Diversity Annual Plan
  49. OPC2017-01 - OPC's Independent Data Request to WGL regarding AltaGas, Ltd.'s proposed indirect acquisition of WGL.
  50. OPC2020-02-G - OPC
  51. OPC2021-01 - Petition into the Investigation of Washington Gas Light Company’s System Leak Reduction Practices and Transparency
  52. PGC - WGL's Purchased Gas Charge Reports
  53. RM23-G - Amendments to Chapter 23
  54. RM37 - Chapter 37 Natural Gas Quality of Service Standards (D.C.M.R. Chapter 37)
  55. RM37-G - Natural Gas Quality of Service Standards
  56. RM47-G - Licensure of Natural Gas Suppliers
  57. VIO - Notices of Probable Utility Violations
  58. WGCAM - WGL's Cost Allocation Manual Filings
  59. WGIA - Washington Gas Independent Audits
  60. WGLRESR - WGL’s RES Surcharge Reconciliation Factor Filings/Reports
  61. WGPOR - Washington Gas Light Company's Purchase of Receivables Filings and Reports
  62. WGPMR - Washington Gas' Pressure Measurement Reports
  63. WGPRPR - WGL's Pipeline Replacement Project Reports
  64. WGPSDR - Washington Gas' Pipeline System Damage Reports
  65. WGRORETR - Washington Gas' Rate of Return Reports
  1. FC 950 - Investigation into the Payment Center Operations of Verizon
  2. FC 962 - Implementation of DC and Federal Telecommunications Competition Acts, including establishment of unbundled network element (UNE) rates
  3. FC 988 - D.C. Universal Service Trust Fund (DCUSTF) and Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) issues
  4. FC 990 - Establishment and monitoring, wholesale and retail telecommunications quality of service standards for the District of Columbia and investigations of service quality in the telecommunications industry
  5. FC 1057 - Verizon's petition for approval of Price Cap Plan 2007 and monitoring Verizon's promotional offerings
  6. FC 1102 - In the Matter of the Investigation into the Continued Use of Verizon Washington, DC, Inc.'s Copper Infrastructure to Provide Telecommunications Services.
  7. FC 1165 - Petition for the approval from the Commission to approve a new DC area code
  8. BE - T - Telecommunications providers' billing error notifications (Includes Verizon)
  9. FCC - Federal Communications Commission Filings
  10. MOU - Pepco’s Supplier Diversity Annual Plan
  11. NC - Numbering Conservation Filings
  12. RM6 - Pay Telephone Rules (D.C.M.R Chapter 6)
  13. RM27 - Telecommunications Service Rules (D.C.M.R. Chapter 27)
  14. RM28 - Universal Service Trust Fund Rules (D.C.M.R. Chapter 28)
  15. SO - T - Telecommunications providers' service outage reports
  16. TAs (Telecommunications Applications) - Requests for certification of Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs)
  17. TIAs - Verizon's Telephone Interconnection Agreements
  18. TT 00-5 - Verizon's rights of way fee
  19. TT 06-6 - Verizon's promotional filings
  20. VAPLR - Verizon's Annual Payment Location Reports
  21. VERGD - Verizon's General Dockets
  1. FC 712 - Commission's rules, including the mandatory e-filing rulemaking and the implementation of the DC Council's Act re fines and forfeitures
  2. FC 1130 - The Commission's Investigation into Modernizing the Energy Delivery Structure for Increased Sustainability
  3. FC 1160 - In the Matter of the Development of Metrics for Electric Company and Gas Company Energy Efficiency and Demand Response Programs Pursuant to Section 201 (b) of the Clean Energy DC Omnibus Amendment Act of 2018
  4. FC 1163 - In the Matter of the Investigation into the Regulatory Framework of Microgrids in the District of Columbia
  5. FC 1164 - In the Matter of an inquiry into the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on District Utilities and Consumers
  6. FC 1167 - In the matter of the implementation of the climate business plan
  7. FC 1172 - In the Matter of the Consideration of Federal Funding under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
  8. ARDIR - Pepco and WGL's Arrearages and Disconnections Reports
  9. ASMT - Annual assessments of electric, natural gas, and local telecommunications providers serving the District for PSC's and OPC's operating budgets
  10. CC - Formal Consumer Complaints
  11. FERC - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission filings
  12. FOIAs - Freedom of Information Act Requests
  13. GD - Matters requiring potential formal action by the Commission
  14. GD-2020-02-M - Pilot Projects Governance Board Docket
  15. GD-2021-01-M - Commission's 2021 Virtual Cybersecurity Conference
  16. GD-2021-02-M - Monitoring Analytics
  17. GD-2021-03-M - Comments
  18. GD-2021-01-T - Voice-Over-Internet Service
  19. GD-2022-02-M - Filings related to the 2022 Clean Energy Summit
  20. GD-2023-01-M - Commission's 2023 Cybersecurity Conference
  21. GD-2023-02-M - Rate Case Efficiency
  22. MOUs - Monitoring Pepco, Verizon and WGL's minority contracting initiatives in accordance with a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Commission
  23. NC - Numbering Conservation Filings
  24. RM1 - Rules Practices and Procedures
  25. RM2 - Utility Rate Changes
  26. RM3 - Consumer Rights and Responsibilities Rules (D.C.M.R. Chapter 3)
  27. RM7 - Freedom of Information Act Request
  28. RM9 - Net Energy Metering
  29. RM13 - Rules for Reimbursement
  30. RM14 - Agency Fund Requirements
  31. RM15 - Rules Implementing the Public Utilities Amendment Act of 1989
  32. RM16 - Pole Attachments in the District of Columbia Rules (D.C.M.R. Chapter 16)
  33. RM18 - Non-Residential Customer's Right
  34. RM20 - OPC's Agency Fund
  35. RM21 - Provisions for Construction of Electric Generating Facilities and Transmission Lines
  36. RM22 - Procurement Regulations
  37. RM25 - Certification of Local Exchange Carrier Rules - (D.C.M.R. Chapter 25)
  38. RM28 - Universal Service Rules - (D.C.M.R. Chapter 28)
  39. RM29 - Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards Rules - (D.C.M.R. Chapter 29)
  40. RM36 - Electric Quality Service Standard
  41. RM39 - Affiliate Transactions Code of Conduct
  42. RM40 - Small Generator Interconnection Rules
  43. RM41 - Standard Offer Service Rules
  44. RM42 - Fuel Mix Reports
  45. RM44 - Submetering and Energy Allocation
  46. SUPCT 2021 - Superior Court