Press Releases

DCPSC relaunches “Fight Utility Scams” campaign to help consumers remain vigilant

DCPSC relaunches “Fight Utility Scams” campaign to help consumers remain vigilant

DCPSC Approves Third Biennial Plan for DC PLUG

The Commission has approved the Joint Application of Pepco and the District of Columbia Department of Transportation (DDOT) and the Third Biennial Underground Infrastructure Improvement Projects Plan, and the Financing Order Application (Formal Case No. 1168).

#WinterReadyDC offers free weatherization kits for DC residents

The Commission launches its annual #WinterReadyDC campaign to help DC residents and businesses prepare for winter.

Richard A. Beverly reappointed as DCPSC Commissioner

The Commission congratulates Commissioner Richard A. Beverly on his reappointment to the Commission for a term to end on June 30th, 2024.

Willie L. Phillips sworn-in as newest FERC Commissioner

The Public Service Commission of the District (Commission) extends its sincerest congratulations to Willie L. Phillips as he is sworn into the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) today.