t 202-626-5119 f 202-626-9212 e ChairmanThompson@psc.dc.gov
t 202-626-5117 f 202-638-1785 e CommissionerBeverly@psc.dc.gov
t 202-626-5125 f 202-638-1785 e CommissionerTrabue@psc.dc.gov
t 202-626-5139 f 202-626-9174 e OED@psc.dc.gov
t 202-626-9184 f 202-626-5106 e ODED@psc.dc.gov
t 202-626-1120 f 202-626-9174 e OTRA@psc.dc.gov
t 202-626-5140 f 202-393-6769 e OGC@psc.dc.gov
t 202-626-5124 e OSC@psc.dc.gov
t 202-626-5150 f 202-393-1389 e OCMS@psc.dc.gov
t 202-626-5102 f 202-626-5105 e OHR@psc.dc.gov
t 202-626-5132 e OIT@psc.dc.gov
t 202-626-5120 f 202-626-9210 e OCS@psc.dc.gov
t 202-626-9170 f 202-626-0525 e OAFO@psc.dc.gov
* Officially employed by the Office of the Chief Financial Officer
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