Disclaimer: The items reflected below are tentatively scheduled to appear on the Commission’s Meeting Agenda on the date indicated above. The Commission may add or delete items to the planned Agenda if it is deemed necessary.
Formal Case Matters for Action:
1. Formal Case Nos. 874 and 1164 – Order and Notice regarding the Gas Procurement Working Group’s Report on Washington Gas Light Company’s Procurement Activities.
2. Formal Case No. 1142 – Order regarding AltaGas, Ltd.’s Term No. 5 Consent Decree.
3. Formal Case Nos. 1154 and 1179 – Order regarding the District of Columbia Government’s Motion for Leave to File Comments.
4. Formal Case No. 1163 – Order regarding the Potomac Electric Power Company’s Tariff Amendments to its Current Standby Service Schedule.
5. Formal Case No. 1180 – Order regarding the Washington Gas Light Company’s Motion to Compel.
6. RM9-2024-01– Order and Notice regarding Chapter 9 (Net Energy Metering) of Title 15 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations.
7. WGLRESR-2024-01 - Notice regarding Washington Gas Light Company’s Residential Essential Service Surcharge Tariff.
The public may attend the Open Meeting using the WebEx link and phone number provided below. The audio will be muted for all attendees except the hosts and Commissioners. The public can only view and listen in on the Open Meeting as all other features will be disabled.
WebEx Link (to be copied and pasted in URL):
WebEx Call-in Information (enter Access Code and hit “#” twice):
Phone: 1-650-479-3208
Access code: 2305 833 8742
Webinar Password: GGesDpkc378
(44373752 from phones and video systems)