Watch Open Meetings

Open Commission Meeting - 2:00 P.M. Wednesday, April 6, 2022

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The items reflected below are tentatively scheduled to appear on the Commission’s Meeting Agenda on the date indicated above. The Commission may add or delete items to the planned Agenda if it is deemed necessary.

Formal Case Matters for Action:

1. GD-2021-01-E – Order regarding the Office of the People’s Counsel’s Petition for a Formal Investigation into the Potomac Electric Power Company’s Construction Practices.

2. GD-2022-01-E - Order regarding the Potomac Electric Power Company’s Motion for an Enlargement of Time.

3. RM9-2022-01-E - Notice regarding Chapter 9, Net Energy Metering, of Title 15 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations.

Open Commission Meeting - 2:00 P.M. Wednesday, March 23 2022

Click here to watch the Video

The items reflected below are tentatively scheduled to appear on the Commission’s Meeting Agenda on the date indicated above. The Commission may add or delete items to the planned Agenda if it is deemed necessary.

Formal Case Matters for Action:

1. Formal Case No. 1017 - Order regarding the Potomac Electric Power Company’s Proposed Retail Rates for Standard Offer Service.

2. RM29-2021-01 – Order and Notice regarding Chapter 29, Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard, of Title 15 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations.

3. RM36-2020-02 – Order and Notice regarding Chapter 36, Electricity Quality of Service Standards, of Title 15 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations.

Open Commission Meeting - 2:00 P.M. Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Click here for the Audio

The items reflected below are tentatively scheduled to appear on the Commission’s Meeting Agenda on the date indicated above. The Commission may add or delete items to the planned Agenda if it is deemed necessary.

Formal Case Matters for Action:

1. Formal Case Nos. 977 and 1142 - Order regarding Washington Gas Light Company’s Motion for Clarification of Order No. 21108.

2. Formal Case No. 1130 – Order regarding the MEDSIS Pilot Project Fund Subaccount.

3. Formal Case Nos. 1130 and 1155 – Notice regarding the Potomac Electric Power Company’s Plug-in Vehicle – Green Rider Tariff.

4. Formal Case No. 1167 – Order regarding Confidential/Proprietary Information Determination Request.

5. Purchase Gas Charge Audit 2021-01 - Order regarding Silver Point Consulting’s Management Audit Report.

Open Commission Meeting - 2:00 P.M. Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Click here for the Audio

The items reflected below are tentatively scheduled to appear on the Commission’s Meeting Agenda on the date indicated above. The Commission may add or delete items to the planned Agenda if it is deemed necessary.

Formal Case Matters for Action:

1. Formal Case Nos. 977 and 1142 – Order regarding Washington Gas Light Company’s Customer Call Center Compliance.

2. Formal Case No. 1148 – Order regarding the Potomac Electric Power Company’s Request for Reimbursement from the EEEC Escrow Account.

3. Formal Case No. 1168 - Order regarding the Potomac Electric Power Company’s Request regarding Future DC PLUG Costs.

4. Consumer Complaint No. 9075256 – Order regarding the Office of the People’s Counsel’s Application for Reconsideration of Commission Order No. 21081.

Open Commission Meeting - 2:00 P.M. Wednseday, January 26, 2022

Click here for the Audio

The items reflected below are tentatively scheduled to appear on the Commission’s Meeting Agenda on the date indicated above. The Commission may add or delete items to the planned Agenda if it is deemed necessary.

Formal Case Matters for Action:

1. Formal Case No. 1167 – Order regarding the Potomac Electric Power Company’s Application for Clarification of Order No. 21061.

2. Formal Case No. 1168 – Order regarding the Third Biennial Underground Infrastructure Improvement Projects Plan and Financing Order Application.

3. RM29-2021-02 – Order and Notice of Emergency Rulemaking regarding Chapter 29, Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard, of Title 15 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations.

4. WGRORETR-2021-01-G – Order regarding Washington Gas Light Company’s Motion to Waive the filing of Quarterly Jurisdictional Earnings Reports.