Press Releases

PowerPath DC Governance Board sponsors call for papers proposing grid modernization pilot projects

PowerPath DC Governance Board sponsors call for papers proposing grid modernization pilot projects 

DCPSC announces new 771 area code for the District of Columbia

DCPSC announces new 771 area code for the District of Columbia

Newly elected officers of PowerPath DC Governance Board will oversee $21 million pilot project fund to modernize the District’s energy grid

Newly elected officers of PowerPath DC Governance Board will oversee $21 million pilot project fund to modernize the District’s energy grid

DCPSC seeks public comment in 202 area code plan

DCPSC seeks public comment in 202 area code plan

DCPSC seeks public comment in Pepco multiyear rate plan and 202 area code plan

DCPSC seeks public comment in Pepco multiyear rate plan and 202 area code plan