Summary of October 3rd Open Meeting

October 3, 2018

The Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia (Commission) approved two actions items before the Commission at its October 3, 2018 Open Meeting.

The matters include:

1. Formal Case No. 712, In the Matter of the Investigation into the Public Service Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure. This Order grants authority to the Office of the General Counsel to issue orders on Applications of Competitive Local Exchange Carriers for Approval of Transfer of Control or Corporate Reorganization.

2. WGIA 2018-01, In the Matter of Washington Gas Light Company’s Request for Approval of Independent Accountant. This Order grants Washington Gas Light Company’s (“WGL”) request for approval of an independent accountant, Ernst & Young, to conduct a limited engagement review and prepare a report pursuant to Chapter 39 of the Commission’s Regulations regarding WGL affiliate transactions for the 12 months ending September 30, 2018. WGL is directed to file with the Commission a copy of its engagement letter with Ernst & Young upon execution by both parties. WGL is further directed to file the limited engagement report on or before March 1, 2019.