Summary of October 28th Open Meeting

October 28, 2020

The Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia approved four Formal Case action items at its October 28, 2020, Open Meeting:

Formal Case Actions:

1. Formal Case No. 988, In the Matter of the Development of Universal Service Standards and the Universal Service Trust Fund for the District of Columbia. This Order approves the calendar year 2021 budget and assessment calculation for the District of Columbia Universal Service Trust Fund.

2. Formal Case No. 1160, In the Matter of the Development of the Metrics for Electric Company and Gas Company Energy Efficiency and Demand Response Programs Pursuant to Section 201(B) of the Clean Energy DC Omnibus Amendment Act of 2018. This Order, among other things, sets forth principles and metrics for developing Energy Efficiency and Demand Response programs and accepts the Metrics Working Group report as filed.

3. Formal Case No. 1162, In the Matter of the Application of Washington Gas Light Company for Authority to Increase Existing Rates and Charges for Gas Service. This Order denies OPC’s Motion to Compel filed October 15, 2020.

4. Formal Case No. 1162, In the Matter of the Application of Washington Gas Light Company for Authority to Increase Existing Rates and Charges for Gas Service. This Order grants OPC’s Motion to Compel filed October 19, 2020.