Summary of November 6th Open Meeting

November 7, 2019

The Public Service Commission of  the District of Columbia approved fourteen action items at its November 6, 2019 Open Meeting.

The matters include:

1. Formal Case No. 988, In the Matter of the Development of Universal Service Standards and the Universal Service Trust Fund for the District of Columbia. Order No. 988 approves the 2020 calendar year District of Columbia Universal Service Trust Fund budget.

2. Formal Case No. 1115, In the Matter of the Application of Washington Gas Light Company’s Request for Approval of a Revised Accelerated Pipeline Replacement Program; Formal Case No. 1142, In the Matter of the Merger of AltaGas, Ltd. and WGL Holdings, Inc.; and Formal Case No. 1154, Washington Gas Light Company’s Application for Approval of PROJECTpipes 2 Plan. Order No. 1115 grants the Non-Unanimous Joint Motion for Enlargement of Time to File Settlement Conference Report. The Settlement Conference Report shall be filed no later than December 13, 2019. If a settlement cannot be reached by that time, the Commission directs the parties to submit a consensus procedural schedule by that same date, December 13, 2019. 

3. Formal Case No. 1130, In the Matter of the Investigation into Modernizing the Energy Delivery System for Increased Sustainability. Order No. 1130 directs Pepco to have funds in the amount of $12,345.65 released from the MEDSIS Fund Subaccount to Smart Electric Power Alliance within 15 days of the date of this Order.

4. Formal Case No. 1142, In the Matter of the Merger of AltaGas, Ltd. and WGL Holdings, Inc. Order No. 1142 approves WGL’s Term No. 3 Plan as directed by this Order and grants the National Consumer Law Center’s Motion to Enlarge Time for Filing Comment on Plan to Implement Commitment No. 3.

5. Formal Case No. 1142, In the Matter of the Merger of AltaGas, Ltd. and WGL Holdings, Inc. Order No. 1142 conditionally accepts AltaGas’ Term No. 5 Plan as directed by this Order.

6. Formal Case No. 1148, In the Matter of the Investigation into the Establishment of Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation Programs Targeted Towards Both Affordable Multifamily Units and Master Metered Multifamily Buildings Which Include Low- and Limited-Income Residents in the District of Columbia. Order No. 1148 designates OPC, DOEE, the National Consumer Law Center, as well as Commission Staff to the Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation Task Force.

7. Formal Case No. 1158, In the Matter of the Application of Washington Gas Light Company for a Certificate of Authority Authorizing it to Issue Debt Securities. Order No. 1158 approves WGL’s (“Company”) Application for a certificate authorizing the Company to issue and sell debt securities and preferred stock.

8. Formal Case No. 1159, In the Matter of Applications for Approval of Biennial Underground Infrastructure Improvement Projects Plans and Financing Orders. Order No. 1159 grants the petitions to intervene of WGL, AOBA, and the Baltimore Washington Construction & Public Employees Laborers’ District Council.

9. PEPRAD 2019-01, In the Matter of Potomac Electric Power Company’s Residential Aid Discount Compliance Reports and Filings and Formal Case No. 1120, In the Matter of the Investigation into the Structure and Application of Low-Income Assistance for Electricity Customers in the District of Columbia. This Notice of Final Tariff approves Pepco’s Revised Residential Aid Discount Surcharge. The Surcharge will become effective upon publication of this Notice in the D.C. Register.

10.RM41-2017-01, In the Matter of 15 DCMR Chapter 41- District of Columbia Standard Offer Service Rules. Order RM41-2017-01 grants Pepco’s request for a waiver of the implementation date of Section 4105.9 of Title 15 of the DCMR as directed by this Order. 

11.RM37-2017-01, Natural Gas Quality of Service Standards and Reliability Performance and Formal Case No. 977, In the Matter of the Investigation into the Quality of Service of Washington Gas Light Company, District of Columbia Division, in the District of Columbia. Order RM37-2017-01 adopts final amendments to the Natural Gas Quality of Service Standards and Reliability Performance Rules in Chapter 37 of Title 15 of the DCMR. The amendments will become effective upon publication of a Notice of Final Rulemaking in the D.C. Register.

12.General Docket 2019-02, Decertification of Renewable Generating Facilities Submitted by Greenwalt Solar. This Order decertifies eight (8) certified generation facilities of Greenwalt, filed by Greenwalt, effective November 18, 2019, unless Greenwalt Solar presents evidence within 10 days from the date of this Order why the eight (8) facilities should not be decertified.

13.RM41-2019-01, In the Matter of 15 DCMR Chapter 41-District of Columbia Standard Offer Service Rules. Order RM41-2019-01 Notice of Final Rulemaking adopts amendments to, the Standard Offer Service Rules in Chapter 41 of Title 15 of the DCMR. The amendments will become effective upon publication of this Notice in the D.C. Register.

14.Formal Case No. 787, In the Matter of the Application of Washington Gas Light Company for Authority to Increase Existing Rates and Charges for Gas Service. Order No. 787 grants the request of Essex Condominium and AOBA to withdraw its the Complaint lodged against Washington Gas Light Company and dismisses the Complaint with prejudice.