Summary of June 21st Open Meeting

June 28, 2017

The Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia (Commission) approved four items before the Commission at its June 21st Open Meeting.

The matters include:

1. Formal Case No. 1027, In the Matter of the Emergency Petition of the Office of the People’s Counsel for an Expedited Investigation of the Distribution System of Washington Gas Light Company; GT97- 3, In the Matter of the Application of Washington Gas Light Company for Authority to Amend its Rate Schedule No. 6; and GT06-1, In the Matter of the Application of Washington Gas Light Company for Authority to Amend General Service Provision No. 23, and Formal Case No. 1115, In the Matter of Washington Gas Light Company’s Request for Approval of a Revised Accelerated Pipeline Replacement Plan. This Order reviews the Report on the Technical Conference filed by Washington Gas Light Company (WGL) on March 13, 2017. The Commission takes action on the issues held in abeyance in Order Nos. 18566 and 18567. The Commission directs WGL to include American Association of Cost Engineers (AACE) Class 3 estimates when it includes a project on the Annual Project list or explain why this requirement would be infeasible. WGL shall explain why it believes that the staffing and other management changes that it has undertaken to manage PROJECTpipes remove the need for a project management tool to work with WGL’s Work Management Information System (WMIS). The Commission directs WGL to provide more details on its proposals to undertake an assessment of resources, the costs of which it plans to recover from District of Columbia ratepayers. WGL shall also assemble all of the documents that it believes would comprise a Progress Implementation Plan (PIP) into one complete document for filing with the Commission. All of these responses are due within 30 days of the date of this Order. Comments and reply comments are due within 30 and 45 days of these filing.

2. OPC 2017-01, In the Matter of the Office of the People's Counsel’s Investigation into AltaGas, Ltd.’s Proposed Acquisition of Washington Gas Light Company. This Order denies the Office of the People’s Counsel’s (OPC) Application for Reconsideration of Order No. 18739, which denied OPC’s Motion to Compel Discovery Response from Washington Gas Light Company (WGL). The Commission also denies OPC's Motion for Leave to Reply and Limited Reply and OPC's Motion for Leave to Respond and Limited Response to Opposition filed yesterday.

3. Formal Case No. 1130, In the Matter of the Investigation into Modernizing the Energy Delivery System for Increased Sustainability. This Order grants the Pepco’s motion to initiate a formal comment period on the Office of the People’s Counsel’s Distributed Solar in the District of Columbia Report. Comments and reply comments on the Value of Solar Report are due July 12, 2017 and July 24, 2017, respectively.

4. Formal Case No. 874, In the Matter of the Gas Acquisition Strategies of the District of Columbia Natural Gas, a Division of the Washington Gas Light Company. This Order accepts the Gas Procurement Working Groups recommendations for modifications to the Gas Procurement Report. Since the Commission is adopting a streamlined reporting format for Gas Procurement Report there is no need for the Office of the People’s Counsel to file comments to Washington Gas Light’s 2016 Gas Procurement Report.