Summary of July 6th Open Meeting

July 17, 2017

The Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia (Commission) approved three items before the Commission at its July 6th Open Meeting.

The matters include:

1. Formal Case No. 1138, In the Matter of the Investigation into Washington Gas Light Company’s New Billing System and Process and the Potential Impact on the Customers and Competitive Natural Gas Suppliers in the District of Columbia. This Order directs Washington Gas Light Company (WGL) to file a report on the status of its new billing system as prescribed by the Order; WGL is to participate in a technical conference within 20 days of the date of this Order to discuss WGL’s billing charges for competitive service providers (CSPs) and default customers; WGL is to file details of its credit requirements, as explained in this Order, to make the bill-ready billing format available to CSPs within 60 days of the date of this Order, and to begin incorporating CSPs into its billing system within 90 days from the day a CSP files an application with WGL. WGL is also directed to provide periodic reporting on the status of these activities on three-month intervals, with the first interval beginning August 1, 2017. Finally, the Commissions moves Commission Data Requests No. 1 issued on April 25, 2017, and WGL’s Data Responses dated May 10, 2017 in the record of Formal Case No. 1138.

2. Gas Tariff 95-3, In the Matter of Washington Gas Light Company’s Application for Authority to Withdraw Watergate Tariff. This Order grants Washington Gas Light Company’s (WGL) Application to withdraw the tariff for Steam and Chilled Water Rates (Watergate Tariff) for Service to the six Watergate buildings located in the District of Columbia effective upon the expiration of the underlying agreement. The Commission denies Watergate West Inc.’s requests for a hearing on WGL’s Application and for the Commission to defer its decision for six months to allow the parties to negotiate a modified agreement. The withdrawal of the Watergate Tariff shall become effective upon publication of a Notice of Final Rulemaking in the D.C. Register and upon the expiration of the underlying agreement.

3. Gas Tariff 00-2, In the Matter of Washington Gas Light Company’s Rights-of-Way Surcharge General Regulations Tariff, P.S.C.-D.C. No. 3. This Notice of Final Tariff takes final action approving Washington Gas Light Company’s (WGL) Surcharge Update tariff filing. WGL’s Surcharge Update tariff filing shall become effective upon publication of this Notice of Final Tariff in the D.C. Register.