Summary of July 1st Open Commission Meeting

July 1, 2020

The Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia approved the following action item(s) at its July 1, 2020, Open Meeting:

Formal Case Actions: 

1. Formal Case No. 1142, In the Matter of the Merger of AltaGas Ltd. and WGL Holdings, Inc. This Order directs WGL to supplement the Root Cause Analysis report within 60 days of the date of this Order; comments and reply comments are due within 30 and 45 days of this filing, respectively.

2. PEPPOR 2020-01, Purchase of Receivables. This Order approves Pepco’s Purchase of Receivables (“POR”) tariff. The POR tariff will become effective upon publication of a Notice of Final Tariff in the D.C. Register.

3. PEPRADR 2020-01, In the Matter of Potomac Electric Power Company’s Residential Aid Discount Compliance Reports and Filings and Formal Case No. 1120, In the Matter of the Investigation into the Structure and Application of Low- Income Assistance for Electricity Customers in the District of Columbia. This Notice of Final Tariff (“Notice”) approves Pepco’s Rider - Residential Aid Discount Surcharge Update which shall become effective upon publication of the Notice in the D.C. Register.