Summary of January 31st Open Meeting

February 1, 2018

The Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia (Commission) approved six actions items before the Commission at its January 31st Open Meeting.

The matters include:

1. Formal Case No. 1115, In the Matter of Washington Gas Light Company’s Request for Approval of a Revised Accelerated Pipeline Replacement Plan. This Order denies Washington Gas Light Company’s Application for Reconsideration of Order No. 19194, which requests that the Commission reconsider its determination that meter relocation costs should be excluded from the PROJECTpipes surcharge.

2. Formal Case No. 1125, In the Matter of the Promotion of the Utility Discount Programs. This Order approves the District Department of Energy and Environment’s (DOEE) Invoices for the Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year 2017 for the payment of Utility Discount Program administrative expenses. The District of Columbia Universal Service Trust Fund is directed to pay $11,396.72; Potomac Electric Power Company is directed to pay $38,892.99; Washington Gas Light Company is directed to pay $39,744.14; and DC Water is directed to pay $39,660.93 to DOEE within 15 days of the date of this Order. The Commission also grants DOEE’s Motion to File the Invoices Out of Time.

3. Formal Case No. 1150, In the Matter of the Application of Potomac Electric Power Company for Authority to Increase Existing Retail Rates and Charges for Electric Distribution Service. This Order schedules a status conference, pursuant to Commission Rule 129, in this proceeding on February 22, 2018, in the Commission Hearing Room, 1325 G Street, N.W., Suite 800, Washington, D.C. 20005, beginning at 11:00 a.m. Commission Staff shall preside over the status conference. The Joint Motion to Adopt a Procedural Schedule is denied; and Potomac Electric Power Company’s Motion to waive Commission Rules 121.2 and 121.7 is held in abeyance. Finally any person desiring to intervene in the proceeding shall file a petition to intervene with the Commission no later than February 9, 2018.

4. PEPIA2017-01, Potomac Electric Power Company’s Request for Approval of an Independent Accountant. This Order grants Potomac Electric Power Company’s (Pepco) request for approval of an independent accountant, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), to conduct a limited engagement review and prepare a report, pursuant to Chapter 39 of the Commission’s rules, for the 12 months ending December 31, 2017. Pepco is directed to file with the Commission a copy of its engagement letter with PwC upon execution by both parties. Pepco is further directed to file the limited engagement report no later than 90 days from the date of this Order.

5. Consumer Complaint No. 2017-9075225, Dionne Joemah v. Potomac Electric Power Company. This Order denies the Application for Reconsideration of Order No. 19192 filed by Dionne Joemah.

6. Formal Case No. 1142, In the Matter of the Merger of AltaGas Ltd. And WGL Holdings, Inc. This Order grants in part and denies in part the Office of the People’s Counsel for the District of Columbia’s (OPC) Motion to Strike, Alternative Motion to Hold This Proceeding in Abeyance and Establish Additional 1 Procedures, Motion to Extend the Briefing Schedule, and Request for Expedited Ruling. The Commission denies OPC’s motion to strike and the alternative motion contained in OPC’s Motion, but grants OPC and other parties nine additional days from the original due date to respond to the Initial Briefs of the parties. Reply Briefs are now due February 7, 2018. The Commission also changes the date for the closure of the record in this proceeding from January 30, 2018 to February 7, 2018.