Summary of April 18th Open Meeting

April 18, 2018

The Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia (Commission) approved five actions items before the Commission at its April 18 th Open Meeting.

The matters include: 

1. Formal Case No. 1115, Application of Washington Gas Light Company for Approval of a Revised Accelerated Pipe Replacement Program. This Order grants Washington Gas Light Company’s (“WGL”) request for authorization to increase the Liberty Consulting Group’s contract by $45,740. The Commission also directs WGL to modify the scope of the PROJECTpipes management audit to include Years 3 and 4 (to date) of the program, and to file a cost estimate to facilitate the modification of the scope of the management audit within 10 days of the date of this Order.

2. Formal Case No. 1126, In the Matter of the Office of the People’s Counsel’s Complaint Against Washington Gas Light Company Regarding the Unlawful Compensation of Competitive Service Providers in Violation of its Rate Schedule Number 5. This Order grants the proposals for the disbursement of the remaining funds directed by Order No. 18505 to be refunded to ratepayers filed by Washington Gas Light Company (“WGL”) and the Office of the People’s Counsel and directs WGL to disburse $261,094.50 to the Washington Area Fuel Fund and $261,094.50 to the Greater Washington Urban League for the benefit of District of Columbia residential low-income natural gas heating customers. WGL shall disburse the funds within 15 days from the date of this Order. Formal Case No. 1126 shall be closed 10 days from the date of the confirmation disbursement filing unless an objection is otherwise filed. 

3. Formal Case No. 1133, Washington Gas Light Company’s Application for Approval of Special Contracts. This Order approves Washington Gas Light Company’s (“WGL”) Application for Approval of Special Contracts for the U.S. General Services Administration accounts for the Architect of the Capitol and for the Central Heating Plant. This Order also grants the Apartment and Office Building Association’s Motion for Leave to Submit Comments and WGL’s Motion to File Reply Comments.

4. Formal Case No. 1027, In the Matter of the Emergency Petition of the Office of the People’s Counsel for an Expedited Investigation of the Distribution System of Washington Gas Light Company; GT97-3, In the Matter of the Application of Washington Gas Light Company for Authority to Amend its Rate Schedule No. 6; and GT06-1, In the Matter of the Application of Washington Gas Light Company for Authority to Amend General Service Provision No. 23. This Order addresses the Commission’s review of Washington Gas Light Company’s (“WGL”) Annual Report on the Vintage Mechanical Coupling Encapsulation and Replacement Program. Since the Program is now complete, the Commission terminates the reporting requirements directed in this proceeding. The Commission also informs the parties that issues involving the recovery of the costs for the Program will be addressed in WGL’s next rate case.

5. TA 04-1, In the Matter of the Application of Starpower Communications, LLC d/b/a RCN to Partially Abandon Service. This Order grants the Application of Starpower Communications, LLC d/b/a RCN for the 2 partial abandonment of its local exchange services in the District of Columbia. The approval of the Application shall take effect immediately upon the issuance of this Order.