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Merger Application of Exelon and Pepco
Items that were docketed or issued prior to the filing of the Proposed Non-Unanimous Settlement Agre
Items that were docketed or issued prior to the filing of the Proposed Non-Unanimous Settlement Agreement on October 6, 2015
The Merger Application of Exelon Corporation, Pepco Holdings, Inc., Potomac Electric Power Company, Exelon Energy Delivery Company, LLC and New Special Purpose Entity, LLC- June 18, 2014
Supplemental Amendment to Exhibit 3- July 29, 2014
Errata and Replacement Pages- September 19, 2014
The Proposed Issue Index of Exelon Corporation, Pepco Holdings, Inc., Potomac Electric Power Company, Exelon Energy Delivery Company, LLC and New Special Purpose Entity, LLC- June 20, 2014
Request for briefs regarding the issue of whether this case should be classified as a "rate case" or "other investigation" - Commission Order No. 17530 - June 27, 2014
Initial Briefs
Joint Applicants - July 11, 2014
OPC - July 11, 2014
Revision - July 11, 2014
AOBA - July 11, 2014
DC Government - July 11, 2014
DC SUN - July 11, 2014
Reply Briefs
Joint Applicants - July 18, 2014
OPC - July 18, 2014
AOBA - July 18, 2014
Comments regarding the Public Interest of the Proposed Merger
Joint Applicants - July 18, 2014
OPC - July 18, 2014
DC Government - July 18, 2014
DC Federation of Civic Associations - July 16, 2014
The National Consumer Law Center, The National Housing Trust and the National Housing Trust-Enterprise- July 16, 2014
The Mid-Atlantic Renewable Energy Coalition- July 18, 2014
DC Solar United Neighborhoods- July 18, 2014
Grid 2.0 Working Group - July 18, 2014
AOBA - July 18, 2014
Fresh Generation LLC - July 18, 2014
Monitoring Analytics LLC (Independent Market Monitor for PJM)- July 18, 2014
Additional Comments- August 15, 2014
AARP - July 18, 2014
S. David Freeman - August 1, 2014
Commission Order No. 17597 - The Commission classified this case as an "other investigation" and established a procedural schedule - August 22, 2014
Commission Order No. 17619 - The Commission denies the District Government’s motion to compel data responses from the Joint Applicants - September 4, 2014
District of Columbia Government's motion for revision of the procedural schedule, Commission Order No. 17597 - September 8, 2014
Comments regarding the Motion for Revision of the Procedural Schedule
DC SUN - September 11, 2014
Joint Applicants - September 11, 2014
The Office of the People's Counsel's application for reconsideration of Commission Order No. 17597 - September 11, 2014
Comments regarding OPC’s Application for Reconsideration
Joint Applicants - September 18, 2014
Commission Order No. 17654 – The Commission grants in part the motion of the District of Columbia for revision of procedural scheduled announced in Order No. 17597 and denies the Office of the People's Counsel’s application for reconsideration of Order No. 17597 – October 9, 2014
Joint Applicants report on the October 30, 2014 settlement conference held pursuant to Order No. 17597, as amended in Order No. 17654 – November 3, 2014
The Office of the People’s Counsel’s letter to Commission staff rescheduling the settlement conference scheduled for November 19, 2014 pursuant to Order No. 17597, as amended in Order No. 17654 - November 19, 2014
Public Notice of Community and Evidentiary Hearings – November 21, 2014
Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington’s motion for revision of the procedural schedule, Commission Order No. 17654 – January 13, 2015
Joint Applicants Report on the January 22, 2015 Settlement Conference held pursuant to Order No. 17597, as amended in Order No. 17654 – January 28, 2015
Commission Order No. 17790 – The Commission grants in part and denies in part AOBA’s Motion to Revise the Procedural Schedule and announces two additional Evidentiary Hearings – January 29, 2015
The Office of the People's Counsel's Motion to Waive Rule 132.11 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure and allow more than one OPC attorney to cross-examine witnesses - January 30, 2015
The Office of the People's Counsel's Application for Reconsideration of Commission Order No. 17790 - February 2, 2015
DC Government's Motion to Waive Rule 132.11 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure and permit more than one counsel for the District to examine witnesses – February 2, 2015
Joint Applicants' Motion to File Supplemental Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibits of Joint Applicant Witnesses – February 4, 2015
Commission Order No. 17799 – The Commission denies OPC and DC Government's Motion to Waive Rule 132.11 of Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure and grants OPC's Application for Reconsideration of Commission Order No. 17790 - February 4, 2015
The Office of the People's Counsel's Unopposed Motion to postpone the start of the evidentiary hearing by a minimum of two days – February 5, 2015
Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington's Reply to the Joint Applicants' Motion to File Supplemental Rebuttal Testimony – February 5, 2015
Public Notice of Procedural Hearing addressing preliminary matters – February 6, 2015
Joint Applicants' Response to the Bench Request made at the Procedural hearing held on February 9, 2015 – February 11, 2015
Commission Order No. 17802 – The Commission denied the Joint Applicants' Motion to Submit Rebuttal Testimony; granted the Joint Applicants' Leave to File amended Supplemental Direct Testimony; granted AOBA's Opposition and Request for Alternative Relief; and granted OPC's Motion – February 11, 2015
The Office of the People's Counsel and AOBA's Motion to Modify the Procedural Schedule, and Application for Reconsideration of Order No. 17802 and Request for Emergency Relief - February 25, 2015
The Joint Applicants' Opposition to OPC and AOBA's Motion to Modify the Procedural Schedule and Application for Reconsideration of Order No. 17802, and Request for Emergency Relief - March 2, 2015
The District of Columbia Government's Answer in Support of the Motion to Modify the Procedural Schedule of Order No. 17802 and Request for Clarification - March 4, 2015
Commission Order No. 17817 - The Commission grants in part and denies in part OPC and AOBA's Motion to Modify the Procedural Schedule of Order No. 17802 and Application for Reconsideration of Order No. 17802 and Request for Emergency Relief - March 10, 2015
Joint Applicants' Unopposed Motion to Modify the Commission's Procedural Schedule pursuant to Order No. 17802 and affirmed in Order No. 17817 - March 13, 2015
Joint Applicants' Report of the Parties Regarding the March 12, 2015 Discovery Conference pursuant to the Commission's directive in Order No. 17817 - March 13, 2015
Commission Order No. 17833 - The Commission grants the Joint Unopposed Motion to Modify the Commission's Procedural Schedule - March 16, 2015
Joint Applicants' Response to the Bench Request Nos. 2 through 4 made at the Evidentiary Hearing held on April 6, 2015 - April 7, 2015
Joint Applicants' Response to Bench Request No. 6 made at the Evidentiary Hearing held on April 20, 2015 - April 22, 2015
Commission Order No. 17882 - The Commission granted The Motions to Correct the Transcript of DC Solar United Neighborhoods, Exelon Corporation, Pepco Holdings, Inc., the Potomac Electric Power Company, Exelon Energy Delivery Company, LLC, New Special Purpose Entity, LLC, District of Columbia Government, the Office of the People's Counsel, and GRID2.0 Working Group - May 15, 2015
Joint Applicants' Notice to the Commission regarding the Maryland Public Service Commission’s approval of the merger between Exelon Corporation and Pepco Holdings, Inc. - May 18, 2015
Notice of Close of Record - May 27, 2015
Joint Applicants' Notice to the Commission regarding the Delaware Public Service Commission’s approval of the merger between Exelon Corporation and Pepco Holdings, Inc. - June 3, 2015
Commission Order No. 17947 - The Commission granted MAREC’s Motion for Leave to File its Post-Hearing Brief Two Days Out of Time; accepted MAREC’s Initial Post-Hearing Brief; and did not approve the Proposed Merger because, taken as a whole, the Proposed Merger is not in the public interest. The Joint Application filed by Exelon, Pepco Holdings, Inc., Pepco, Exelon Energy Delivery Company, LLC, and New Special Purpose Entity, LLC for a change of control of Pepco to be effected by the Proposed Merger of Pepco Holdings, Inc. with Purple Acquisition Corp., is, as filed, denied. – August 27, 2015
Joint Applicants' Application for Reconsideration of Order No. 17947 - September 28, 2015
Responses regarding the Joint Applicants' Application for Reconsideration
District of Columbia Public Power
Apartment & Office Building Association and the DC SUN
Grid 2.0 Working Group
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