All annual assessment surveys must be completed and submitted by April 1, 2025.
The DCPSC assesses all public utilities, competitive electric suppliers, competitive natural gas suppliers, and competitive local exchange carriers (i.e., telecommunications companies) in the District of Columbia each year to generate the Commission’s operating budget and to monitor levels of competition.
Each company must electronically file mandatory annual survey responses as part of the regulatory assessment process. The assessment portal within eDocket allows companies to automatically receive notice of an assessment survey, complete the survey electronically, and view Notices of Proposed Assessment and Orders (NOPAs).
Note: Each authorized user should already have a username and password to access the assessment portal. Email the DCPSC assessment team for technical issues with the assessment portal, but email the Office of the Commission Secretary or call (202) 626-5150 with any technical issues related to e-Docket.
Frequently Asked Questions