Current PSC News

Commission Meeting - 2:00 pm Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Commission Meeting - 2:00 pm Wednesday, May 29, 2019

FC1134 - Public Notice - Procurement Cost Adjustment Technical Conference

FC1134 - Public Notice - Procurement Cost Adjustment Technical Conference

FC1017 - Public Notice - Standard Offer Service Working Group Meeting

FC1017 - Public Notice - Standard Offer Service Working Group Meeting

FC 1154 - RFP Notice- Technical Consultant to Review and Advise the Commission on Project Pipes 2 Plan

Technical Consultant to Review and Advise the Commission on Matters Related to Formal Case 1154 Washington Gas Light Company’s “Project Pipes 2 Plan

FC1130 - Public Notice - Town Hall on the MEDSIS Working Group Report

FC1130 - Public Notice - Town Hall on the MEDSIS Working Group Report