Due - PSC-25-03 Technical Consulting Services




Thursday, October 31, 2024
4:00 PM
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D.C. Public Service Commission
1325 G Street, NW Suiite 800
Washington, DC 20005
Kimberly Gray
(202) 626-5157


The purpose of the Request for Proposal is to solicit proposals for one or more Contractors to provide technical consulting services to assist the Commission with the review of Formal Case  No. 1180, Washington Gas Light Company’s (WGL) rate case. 

On August 5, 2024, WGL filed an Application requesting authority to increase existing rates and charges for natural gas service in the District of Columbia. According to the filing, the requested rates are designed to collect approximately $45.6 million in total annual revenues, which represents an increase in WGL’s rate base of approximately $33.9 million and would result in an overall increase of approximately 11.9% in revenue collection over and above current rates.

This revenue increase includes $11.7 million associated with natural gas system upgrades previously approved by the Commission and currently paid by customers through the PROJECTpipes monthly surcharges.
Submit a Proposal for PSC-25-03 Technical Consulting Services to Review and Advise the Commission on Matters Related to Formal Case 1180, Washington Gas Light Company’s Rate Case