Utility Assessments

Renewable Portfolio Standard

All annual assessment surveys must be completed and submitted by April 1, 2025.

The DCPSC assesses all public utilities, competitive electric suppliers, competitive natural gas suppliers, and competitive local exchange carriers (i.e., telecommunications companies) in the District of Columbia each year to generate the Commission’s operating budget and to monitor levels of competition.
Each company must electronically file mandatory annual survey responses as part of the regulatory assessment process. The assessment portal within eDocket allows companies to automatically receive notice of an assessment survey, complete the survey electronically, and view Notices of Proposed Assessment and Orders (NOPAs). 

Note: Each authorized user should already have a username and password to access the assessment portal. Email the DCPSC assessment team for technical issues with the assessment portal, but email the Office of the Commission Secretary or call (202) 626-5150 with any technical issues related to e-Docket.

Frequently Asked Questions


I’ve forgotten my password to the assessment portal. How can I reset it?
Enter your email address on the “Forgot User ID” page within eDocket. You will then receive an email from eDocket with instructions on how to reset your password. Please be sure to check your spam folder for this email if you don’t see it in your inbox.
How do I change the contact person on an assessment?
Please submit a filing through eDocket with the updated information. Email or call the Office of the Commission Secretary at (202) 626-5150 if you have additional questions or issues.
Why are there separate logins for each company?
Each login is associated with a different company and can only be associated with one company at this time. Any individual who may be the contact person for multiple companies will need to use multiple, separate login credentials.
Why was a previous eDocket account deleted/deactivated?
While preparing for the previous assessment cycle, DCPSC found that several users had duplicate accounts under the same company. In these instances, one account was deactivated and one maintained. Unfortunately, this may have caused a change in the username and password that some individuals have used to log in to eDocket. Email DCPSC staff for additional guidance.

Is the Order number the EA/GA/TA case number?
No, only a case number will begin with EA, GA, or TA. The Order number is five digits and can be found on the Order that approved your company to do business in the District of Columbia.
Where can I locate my license renewal date?
Visit “Become a Supplier” to find the rules and the answers to frequently asked questions about electric and natural gas renewal applications. Email DCPSC staff for additional guidance.