Watch Open Meetings

Open Commission Meeting - 2:00 P.M. Wednesday, September 9, 2020

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The items reflected below are tentatively scheduled to appear on the Commission’s Meeting Agenda on the date indicated above. The Commission may add or delete items to the planned Agenda if it is deemed necessary.

Formal Case Matters for Action:

1. Formal Case Nos. 1115 and 1154 – Order regarding PROJECTpipes 2.

2. RM1-2020-01, - Notice regarding Waiver of Commission Rules.

Open Commission Meeting - 2:00 P.M. Thursday, August 20, 2020

Click here for the Audio

The items reflected below are tentatively scheduled to appear on the Commission’s Meeting Agenda on the date indicated above. The Commission may add or delete items to the planned Agenda if it is deemed necessary.

Formal Case Matters for Action:

1. Formal Case No. 1154 – Order regarding PROJECTpipes 2 Evidentiary Hearings.

2. Formal Case No. 1156 – Order regarding Pepco’s Motion to File Supplemental Testimony and OPC/Intervenors Joint Petition in response to Pepco’s Motion.

3. Formal Case No. 1156 – Order regarding OPC’s Motion for a Change in Community Hearing Date.

4. Formal Case No. 1125 - Order regarding the District Department of Energy and Environment’s Invoices for the Third Quarter FY 2020.

Open Commission Meeting - 2:00 P.M. Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Click here for the Audio

The items reflected below are tentatively scheduled to appear on the Commission’s Meeting Agenda on the date indicated above. The Commission may add or delete items to the planned Agenda if it is deemed necessary.

Formal Case Matters for Action:

1. Formal Case No. 988 – Order regarding Verizon Washington, DC Inc.’s Request for DC Universal Service Trust Fund Funding Application for the Second Quarter of 2020.

2. Formal Case No. 1125 – Order regarding the Proposed FY 2021 Consumer Education Program and Utility Discount Program Administrative Budget.

3. Formal Case No. 1154 – Order regarding Washington Gas Light Company’s Projectpipes2 Procedure.

4. Formal Case No. 1154 – Order regarding Washington Gas Light Company’s Motion to Compel.

5. Formal Case Nos. 1130 and 1155 – Order and Notice regarding the Potomac Electric Power Company’s Residential Service Plug-In Vehicle Charging Schedule.

6. Formal Case No. 1157 – Order regarding Washington Gas Light Company’s Updated Implementation Plan Addressing the National Transportation Safety Board’s Safety Recommendations.

7. Formal Case No. 1160 – Order regarding the Energy Efficiency and Demand Response Metrics.

8. RM3-2018-01 – Order regarding the Potomac Electric Power Company’s Request for a Temporary Waiver of Commission Rules.

9. RM23-2020-02, RM46-2020-01 and RM47-2020-01 – Notice regarding Emergency Amendments to 15 DCMR - Chapters 23, 46, and 47.

Open Commission Meeting - 2:00 P.M. Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Click here to watch the Video

The items reflected below are tentatively scheduled to appear on the Commission’s Meeting Agenda on the date indicated above. The Commission may add or delete items to the planned Agenda if it is deemed necessary.

Formal Case Matters for Action:

1. Formal Case No. 1130 – Order regarding PowerPath DC and the Pilot Projects Governance Board.

2. Formal Case No. 1156 – Order regarding the Baltimore Washington Construction and Public Employees Laborers’ District Council’s Motion to Compel.

3. RM9-2020-03 – Order and Notice regarding Amendments to Chapter 9, (Net Energy Metering) of Title 15 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations.

II. WGL State of the Company Virtual Presentation

Open Commission Meeting - 2:00 P.M. Wednesday, July 29 2020

Click here for the Audio

The items reflected below are tentatively scheduled to appear on the Commission’s Meeting Agenda on the date indicated above. The Commission may add or delete items to the planned Agenda if it is deemed necessary.

Formal Case Matters for Action:

1. Formal Case No. 1154 – Order regarding Washington Gas Light Company’s Motion to Strike.

2. Formal Case No. 1162 – Order regarding the Office of the People’s Counsel’s Motion to Compel filed June 5, 2020.

3. Formal Case No. 1162 – Order regarding the Office of the People’s Counsel’s Motion to Compel filed June 17, 2020.

4. Formal Case No. 1162 – Order regarding the Office of the People’s Counsel’s Motion to Compel filed June 26, 2020.

5. ASMT2020 – Orders regarding Assessments for the Commission’s and the Office of the People’s Counsel’s Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriated Budgets.

6. GT00-2 – Notice regarding Washington Gas Light Company’s Rights-of-Way Fee Surcharge.